Wednesday, May 13, 2009


First of all, I had a delightful Mother's Day weekend. My mom and her husband stayed with us Friday and Saturday - always a treat to have them here. I'm discovering that as I get older, I look to my mother more and more for advice on a lot of stuff. We're developing a wonderful rapport. We went out to eat, shopped and had a great visit.

Mother's Day was nice - I attended church with Mom and Ken, had a lunch with the kids and Michael, took Andrea to practice her driving and got some things organized in the house for our upcoming visitors.

The British Invasion arrives on Friday night. Three of Michael's children. They're all adults and perfectly capable of taking care of themselves, so I'm not feeling much stress about their two-week stay. My main concern is that they are comfortable.

To that end, I started the binding for one of the quilts they'll use - a Turning Twenty scrappy quilt. The other quilt - Strip Poker is on the frame, but no quilting on it yet. I finished half of the binding last night whilst watching the Biggest Loser finale.

I met Jill for dinner last night which was a great idea. We had a nice meal and a good chat about the retreat and plans for future Peeps retreats. Jill's a terrific listener - Lord knows I motored on and on about the kids, Michael, oxygen tanks, work, blah, blah, blah......

Work's getting more and more like high school - phone logs are being checked, no more personal e-mails and we've been banned from walking outside. Since we were purchased by another company, management has displayed a lot more of their paranoid tendencies. My immediate boss announced yesterday that he's retiring on the first of March next year. He's a good man and I'll be so sorry to see him go. Lord only knows what they'll hire to replace him.



Darling Jill Quilts said...

And here, I'm usually afraid that I'm chattering on top much!! You did NOT talk too much! We do need to start making those dinners a common occurrence though! I thoroughly enjoyed myself! Work sucks all around. I can't believe they banned you from walking outside!!! Jerks!

Jen said...

Wow banning walking outside is a new one on me. But other than that it seems like we go to the same high school!!!

Michele said...

BANNED FROM WALKING OUTSIDE!!! Man, the phone log checks and no personal email is harsh but possibly justifiable, but I can't see any way this is even legal. Hope things change (for the better) soon.

Linda said...

No walking outside? Are they timing your potty breaks yet? I'm so glad you had a happy Mother's Day, I love your sense of humor (the British Invasion) and I'm really glad that you and Jill were able to meet for dinner. So sorry that I wasn't able to join you.

BitnByAQuiltingBug said...

Hang in there! I'll be thinking of you the next couple of weeks with all that company coming!