Friday, June 12, 2009

Non Quilting Accomplishment!

Since Andrea has been out of school for the summer, I decided to get out of bed a tad earlier and work out at the gym prior to going to the office. I managed to keep my resolve every day this week and I'm feeling so good about it! There is definitely something to be said for exercise being good stress relief! Despite the curve balls I've been thrown, I'm doing OK and I think the workouts have a lot to do with it.

Several people have offered to accompany me to the hospital and be my chauffeur after the D&C. I'm so grateful for their offers, but I really think it's important that DH take care of me that day. We're supposed to take care of each other. This will serve as a nice reminder for him.

Rats! The repair guy at SewEzy is on vacation this week, so my Juki won't get fixed until the following Saturday.

I picked up the latest edition of Quiltmaker magazine since I heard Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt series was featured. I'm thinking about doing this. Has anybody else done a mystery quilt?

Other than that, not much going on. Hoping to have a nice peaceful weekend and gets lots of sewing done.



Jen said...

I think that's the on Sherry is talking about doing. Check with her, I'm sure she's game to do it with you!!

Shogun said...

I just found your blog for the first time. I agree with your DH going with you. I know very little of your situation, but I have been through some things and made it through with exercise and family. I'll have to dig further into this blog to find the "cat"!