Monday, June 15, 2009

Run Around

With Andrea visiting her grandparents most of the weekend, Michael and I had some time to reconnect. We went out to eat on Friday - sort of date night. Michael commented on how much he liked to go out with just me, so I suppose there's something to be said for "dates" no matter how old one is. On Saturday, I went to the gym - worked out and spent some time in the sauna. I adore the Saturday workouts since I'm not constrained by time.

Once I returned home, Michael asked if we could stop by Hobbytown on our route. Saturday is typically our day to get all the shopping done plus the other tasks that we can't get to during the week. i.e. we're on the road a lot. So here's how the itinerary went:

- Drop off clothing donation at St. Vincent DePaul
- Drop off the ailing Juki at Sew Ezy. Buy two yards of off white Moda fabric for boss' retirement/autograph quilt
- Ditch Michael at Hobbytown
- Drive to the store next to Hobbytown - Penney's - and buy a new pair of walking shoes for myself and a pair of slip on Velcro tennis shoes for Michael.
- Zoom back to Hobbytown to find Michael is still perusing kits, glues, etc.
- Walk to Craft Peddler to kill time whilst Michael is in modeler's heaven. Bought an interesting wire quilt hanger and a wooden calendar - everything was 25 percent off!
- Push Michael out of Hobbytown.
- Have lunch at Steak and Shake.
- Grocery shop at Aldi's.
- Return home when we get a phone call from our friends Martin and Bev - "yes, they'd like to have dinner with us."
- Dash out to Krogers to get beer.
- Fix dinner.
- Visit with our friends until 10:30.
- Collapse.

So is it any wonder that I had wicked thoughts about sleeping in and skipping church on Sunday? I didn't though.

Since Michael worked on the kits he bought the day before, I got some sewing done - finished a table runner before Miss Andrea returned home. It was so relaxing to sit on the front porch and work on the table runner's binding during the rain and thunderstorms we had.

All in all - a pleasant weekend that was too short. Next weekend - NQA show on Saturday. I guess that means run-around day will be postponed.


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