Friday, February 15, 2008


Michael is really into model railroading and moaned about the fact that he didn't have any cows on his layout. So, he went on E-Bay and bought a whole herd of bovine beasties without asking me first if it was OK to pay for them using our checking account. After the cows were paid for, we had a grand total of 1.15 in the checking account Granted, things are much better since we got paid today, but I was really sweating it for a couple of days. In the meantime, I jumped on his case about the cows. So, what was waiting for me when I returned home yesterday? A Valentine's gift - a stuffed toy cow with a banner that read "I love you!" I can tell you I was not mooooooooooooved by that gift.

I think I may teach Smudge the cat how tasty the new cows are on Michael's layout.

I finished piecing and sewing the Stash Pot Pie quilt last night. It's certainly colourful. And, I'm ashamed to report that I'm a weak stash hoarder. (Sniff, sniff, I'm so ashamed!) I bought five yards of fabric on sale today. Well, there goes the New Year's resolution down the toilet. Picked up some thread also - half off sale - so I grabbed two of each I needed.

The big news is Joann's is going to open a SuperCenter in Mason. Our neighbor, Josie, told me she heard a rumor about it, so I confirmed the information on the Cincinnati Enquirer web page this morning. And I thought I was anxious for IKEA to open?

Other excitement: I accidentally left the lights on the car whilst Michael and I were in Krogers last night. Thank goodness Josie and Jim were at Kroger's and Jim had jumper cables in his truck. On the to do list for the weekend: get new car battery. Ugh! I hate spending money on cars! Fabric is much more fun!

Have a great weekend!

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